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Cartridge World Named a Top 2018 Global Franchise


Being recognized for achievement is always an honor. Recently, Entrepreneur Magazine named Cartridge World one of the top global franchises of 2018.Cartridge World top 500 franchise

We feel recognition also means reflecting on the past and eyeing the future – if our brand is to continue inspiring stakeholders and franchisees, all for the benefit of customers.

Cartridge World’s past was humble, beginning in 1988 with co-founder Bryan Stokes manufacturing and selling cartridges from his garden shed in Australia. Soon, lines went around the block with customers thrilled to save on printing supplies.

Cartridge World grew from this perennial thirst of consumers wanting the right deal. In 1997, we opened our first franchise location in Adelaide, Australia. By 2004, 100 stores spread across the world; and by 2009, Cartridge World was operating over 1,650 stores in 60 countries.

The rise of online shopping brought new challenges, as well as opportunities. Stokes’ philosophy of working tirelessly and being adaptable to consumer needs continues — with Cartridge World evolving the last few years to broader printing services and nimble franchises that provide white-glove B2B office solutions.

Cartridge World North America CEO Mark Pinner said: “No one thinks of their printer until it breaks down or the toner bill comes in. We ensure companies don’t think about these issues so they can focus on being successful.”

We are proud to have been recognized by Entrepreneur Magazine for our achievement and work. However, what we are most proud of is empowering our franchisees so they can fully serve their customers. Whether manufacturing cartridges in a garden shed in Australia to digitally-driven printing services for businesses across the USA, our core vision remains the same: Provide low-cost but high-quality printing solutions.


Looking into franchise opportunities or interested in becoming part of the Cartridge World global family? Let’s chat about your future success.  

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"We have been using Cartidge World for the past 9 years, and we have a great working relation with them, they are always helpful and we would definitely recommend them to anyone."

Marcus Evans Europe Ltd

Zeeshan Bangash

Marcus Evans Europe Ltd

Thank you Cartridge World for 15 years of cooperation and excellent service….. very dependable, accommodating and competitive!

Katerina Constantinou

N.P. Lanitis Ltd

Value for money, Great Service, Very professional staff. Your help is invaluable

Xenia Agathocleous

Salamis Tours Ltd.

Paphos store has the best customer service of any company I have ever dealt with here in Cyprus, any problem they deal with it straight away and they come in to my office if they are passing to make sure everything is ok

Melanie Ginn

Aphrodite's Rock Brewing