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ETIRA Talks Green Deal with EU Commission


 In reply to ETIRA’s request, representatives of EU commissioners met with ETIRA President Javier Martinez online and discussed the Green Deal.

ETIRA Talks Green Deal with EU Commission

During the meeting, ETIRA President Javier Martinez (pictured right) underscored the need to have cartridge reuse included in related EU policies such as the Green Deal and Circular Economy, and more specifically in the EU Sustainable Product policy and the EU ecodesign policy.

“We stressed that cartridge reuse is textbook circularity and merits full support from the EU Commission and the Member States to grow its market share. We asked for EU action against OEM tactics prohibiting reuse and against imports of single-use non-OEM newbuilt cartridges. We also insisted that the EU’s 2020 Green Public Procurement criteria that support the use of remanufactured cartridges should become mandatory across the Member States,” said the spokesman of ETIRA.

Regarding the VA, the spokesman reiterated ETIRA’s position to date is that “we prefer regulation but could support a VA provided it meets our 3 key demands: a substantial compulsory minimum percentage of all produced cartridges to be reused as a cartridge, prohibition of all anti-reuse tools and tactics like firmware updates, chips/chip resetting, embedded software etc., and a stop to imports of polluting and unhealthy non-OEM newbuilt cartridges at the EU border. ”



 ETIRA, formed in 2003, is a Belgian registered non-profit organisation that represents the interests of the inkjet and toner cartridge remanufacturers and related service providers and is the recognised industry body for all topics affecting the industry. ETIRA provides many services to its members: legal and regulatory advice, public relations, environmental impacts, quality and standardisation forums and member contact platforms. ETIRA also manages a remanufacturing Code of Conduct and the ticked-R collective mark assuring consumers of less expensive but 100% environment-friendly remanufactured cartridges.

Contacts: Secretary General: (pictured right),, Tel: + 31-6-414-614-63


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